How to get Group Packages for Cabo San Lucas

Before looking for the best travel agent for Cabo group packages, you should decide on when to travel to Cabo and for how long. Online travel agencies will limit your search to a maximum of 6-7 passengers at a time, so going through a group travel agency that offers all inclusive resorts in Cabo is the best way to go. When you’re booking flight+hotel packages for Cabo san Lucas with 2 adults, booking online is fast and easy. But when you’re booking group trips to Mexico, Cabo vacation packages for 20-200 adults are very difficult to find and book. Cabo resorts are more high end and tend to sell out much faster, than you anticipate. Finding deals for Cabo san Lucas is even harder, because their all inclusive resorts are more sophisticated and labor is more expensive.

Group Packages to Cabo San Lucas

  • 100% Free Quotes
  • Lowest Down Payments + Optional Payment Plans
  • Flight+Hotel and Hotel only options
  • Cabo San Lucas group rates
  • Complimentary booking & planning website
  • Free hotel stay at some all inclusive resorts
  • Free room upgrade requested to Cabo hotels

Get Discounts on Group Resort Packages to Cabo

In order to be considered a group by most resorts in Cabo, you need to have at least 10 people. If you want a group discount and be able to lock in the rates for everyone in your group, you need to have at least 10 rooms. As a group coordinator, you may also be able to stay for free if you have a large group over 20 people. This depends on which resort in Cabo you decide to stay at and how you want to use your group discount.

All Inclusive Resorts in Cabo San Lucas

Some of the all inclusive resorts in Cabo, offer the best Cabo vacation packages for group trips. There are hundreds of resorts in Cabo, so how do you know what is the best resort for group travel to Cabo?

All Inclusive Cabo Group Packages

Cabo Group Packages

Request group rates for Cabo in 10 seconds or less

A group travel expert will call you within 5-10 minutes with Cabo Group Packages. You can also request to be emailed.

How to get deals for Cabo San Lucas Group Packages:

Many studies have shown that the cheapest day to fly to Cabo is Tuesday and Wednesday. Usually traveling midweek has the lowest deals for airfare. Keeping the costs down for airfare, allows you to stay at nicer resorts in Cabo while keeping your budget the same. Cabo San Lucas all inclusive packages will include your hotel, flight, airport transfers, food, drinks, taxes and tips, so you don’t have to think about bringing your wallet and have to pay for unexpected costs.

  • Request Cabo group packages at least 6+ months from travel
  • Cheapest time to travel to Cabo is August 18-September 30
  • Most expensive time to travel is February 1-March 31
  • Avoid April 12-20 expensive travel dates
  • Ask for resorts that offer the best group incentives
  • Avoid “low” online rates, they don’t include free stays
  • Avoid hotels in Cabo with additional fees upon check in
  • Look for all inclusive resorts that include taxes & tips
100% Free Quotes for Group Rates
  • Name*
  • Email*
  • Phone*full name
  • Number of Travelers*How many people in your group?
  • Trip Details*something more
  • 5

Free stays are limited to certain all inclusive resorts in Cabo that offer this promotion for 10+ or more adults. Ask your group travel agent for details.